
It is designed for non-standing cylindrical containers.

GP-250 Horizontal wrap-around labeler 臥滾式自動貼機

Horizontal wrap-around labeler is designed for non-standing cylindrical containers or products that are not vertically stable including ampoules, vials, crayons, tube, lip balm containers, small batteries etc.

1. Machine meets current GMP standards.
2. PLC combine with Proface human / machine interface touch screen controller.
3. Japan precision 5-phase stepping motor and driver.
4. Stainless steel frame constructin is standard.
5. Labeling speed is automatically synchronized with conveyor speed ensure quality labeling.
6. 50 job set-up can be stored in memory for easy recall.
7. When the hot printer ribbon runs out, this labeler will stop and provide and " error" message.
8. Labeling speed : 150 - 250 containers / items with hot foil printer.  Labeling speed varies based upon product and label size.  Actual speed is determined by product testing.

1. Hot foil printer for date coding.
2. Transparent label sensor.
3. Custom loading case to be designed for each product size.

本機用於無法平穩站立之長筒瓶貼標, 例如瞬間黏劑、小注射瓶、RO濾蕊、電池、麥克筆、筆型修正液。

1. 控制系統採用日本三菱PLC可程式控制, 搭配 Pro-Face 大型液晶顯示人機介面。
2. 日製五相微步進馬達及驅動器控制出標。
3. 本機主要結構由SUS#304不鏽鋼及鋁合金製成。
4. PLC備有50組記憶區, 容易操作且能夠迅速更換產品
5. 當熱燙印機沒有碳帶時, 本機將自動停機, 且發出警報通知操作者。
6. 產能: 貼標速度可視產品及標籤大小調整, 與熱燙印字機配合, 每分鐘可達150-250瓶。
7. AC馬達皆為變頻驅動控制。

1. 本機可選配熱燙印字機。
2. LRD-6110透明標籤電眼。
3. 可視產品實際尺寸選購自動入料機。